Valorant: Maxi+ Cheat
Reasons to buy this product:
* Setup of your PC and instructions of how to run hack will be provided after purchase
* Undetected Internal cheat
* Auto-update feature, any small changes or updates will be patched in a matter of minutes.
* No more than 24 hours offline, and if so time back will be given back to you.
* Easy to navigate the menu with a clean look and full customization options.
* Windows 10
- Aimbot:
- Aimbot Hold Key
- Aimbot FOV
- Aimbot Smooth
- Aimbot Always
- Aimbot Bone
- Max Distance
- Aimbot Always
- Prediction
- Ignore Knocked
- Visible Check
- Show FOV
- Activation Type (Always On, On Key, On Attack)
- Attack Friendly
- Stick to Target
- Show FOV
- Aim through Smoke
- Autowall
- Autowall minimum damage
- Automatic Fire
- Recoil Control System
- RCS Aimbot Only
- RCS Strength
- Field of View
- Smooth
- Smooth Deviation
- Aimdelay
- Aimtime
- Hitchance
- Select Hitboxes
- Distance ESP
- Player ESP
- Head ESP
- Box ESP
- Health ESP
- Shield ESP
- Name ESP
- Skeleton ESP
- Snaplines
- Radar
- Radar Style (Solid, Transparent)
- Radar Scale
- Load and Save Configs
- Bind Configs